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Melissa Cahall, CCS Counselor of the Year.

Send Mrs. Cahall a Congratulatory Note!

Congratulations to Cheryl Guion, Everyday Hero Award recipient.

Send Ms. Guion a Congratulatory Note!

Beginning Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Houston, Patriots Beginning Teacher of the Year!

Send Ms. Houston a Congratulatory Note!

Teacher of the Year!

Congratulations to Mr. Taylor, our ELL teacher, for being named the Teacher of the Year at Patriots STEM Elementary!

Send Mr. Taylor a Congratulatory Note!

Hour of Code

Students in Ms. Smith's kindergarten class participated in the Hour of Code!


Spelling Bee Winner

Congratulations to Atharv for being our Patriots STEM Elementary Spelling Bee winner!


Teacher Assistant of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Wilson for being named Patriots TA of the year!

Send Ms. Wilson a Congratulatory Note!

Model STEM School of Distinction

The NCDPI review team recommended Patriots STEM Elementary School to the State Board of Education to be identified as a North Carolina Model STEM School of Distinction!


School Supply List

2024-2025 School Supply List

School Supply List

Principal: Amy Peters
Assistant Principal Instruction: Heidi Copeland
Assistant Principal: Dee Smith
School Hours: 8:15 am-3:00 pm
Address: 1510 Holden Avenue SW, Concord, North Carolina 28025
Phone: 704-260-6230
Fax: 704-455-1886

Soaring Red Hawk

New & Noteworthy


Click below for ParentSquare information and tutorials. 


Edulog Bus App

Click below to learn about the Edulog Bus app.   


Important School Information

Red Hawk News

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District & School Focus




Principal’s Message