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Counseling and Social Work Home

Patriot Red Hawk logo

The 2022-2023 School Year is upon us! 

 Mrs. Cahall, Ms. Scannell, Mrs. Karibian and Ms. Ciolino are looking forward to working with students and their families this school year. 

Mrs. Cahall will serve grades K, 2nd & 4th and Ms. Scannell will serve grades 1st, 3rd & 5th.  


Student Services Canvas page can be found here:

Student Services Zone Canvas Page



The Positivity Project logo

CCS and Patriots are excited to introduce our community to The Positivity Project this year! You may also hear us refer to it as "P-2!" All students will be presented these lessons in their classrooms and participate in character building in the comfort of their classroom community. For more information, and to explore the program, we have linked the P2 website!



The Resiliency Collaborative logo

We are continuing to utilize the Reconnect for Resiliency program to support our staff, students, and families. It is a program that teaches us to recognize when we have been bumped out of our "Resilience Zone" and what strategies to use to return to it.

When we are in our Resilience Zone, we are able to communicate our needs and feelings, we can problem solve, and we use our rational, thinking brain. It is where we always want to be, even when challenges arise. 



We will continue to teach students emotional regulation, using Second Step, and conflict resolution, using Kelso's Choice skills. Below are the posters we have in each classroom at school. The students begin learning from both programs in kindergarten and each subsequent year.

How to Calm Down poster                         Kelso Wheel image



The Harrisburg Food Pantry

located at Rocky River Presbyterian Church

7940 Rocky River Road

All information is confidential. Families can come every 4 weeks if needed.



Click Here for Rocky River Church's community table and community clothes closet information.


Click Here for the link to CCS Social Work page that offers a variety of resources.



Social-Emotional Calming resources for students and parents

Career and Mindfulness Activities

Kelso's Choices Wheel to Print

Virtual Reset Room

Free Mindfulness Class for Kids



School-wide Activities


Bullying Prevention poster

October 17th – 21st Bully Prevention Week

Wear BLUE on October 17th to support

Bully Prevention Week



Drug Free poster

November 26th-29th Red Ribbon Week 
Tuesday: Dress up as your future career

Wednesday: Wear RED for Red Ribbon Week

Thursday: Dress to impress

Friday: Wear your favorite college apparel 




The Great Kindness Challenge posterJanuary 24th – 27th Kindness Challenge








Melissa Cahall

Rising K, 2nd, 4th Grade Counselor (2022-2023)



Erin Scannell

Rising 1st, 3rd, 5th Grade Counselor (2022-2023)   
